Sunday, August 31, 2008

Charles River, Run

Today was supposed to be my first 12 mile run. Due to my forgetting to start my NikeFit at the place where I wanted to start it and not being able to actually get over the BU bridge from the river side of Storrow Drive making me unsure of the distance (boo Boston Running Map for fooling me!) I ended up doing 12.5 miles instead. That felt much better than I would have expected! But I was/am walking like a grandma when it was over.

My last three long runs have been to This American Life episodes, which I find far more interesting than running to music. I was even re-listening to episodes today because I had already heard all of the new ones that Kev put on for me (my laptop is still dead so I need him to do it on his computer). I'm going to have to start buying their old episodes or find a new radio show since it' s easy to plow through three of them in a 2:15:00 run.

Runners were typical for the Charles, generally not very friendly and minding their own business as they blew past me. There was a community service group that was pruning the foliage along the trail and they were ESPECIALLY not friendly, taking up the whole sidewalk, not moving, and scowling at me as I tried to get by. Friendliness meter: Low